Ahmad received his H.BSc in Biology from Ryerson University (2013), his MSc from the University of Toronto (2015) with a focus on pathological angiogenesis, and his MD from the University of British Columbia (2019). He is currently an ophthalmology resident at McMaster University. His research focus is on novel retinal biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease using murine animal models and human tissue. The results to date suggest that retinal amyloid beta deposits can be imaged using fluorochromes such as curcumin both in ex vivo tissues and by in vivo retinal imaging by fluoroscent scanning confocal laser ophthalmoscopy. Future studies will focus on the development of curcumin analogs towards optimizing delivery by inhalation/aerosol delivery in order to assess in-vivo amyloid beta load in retina as a surrogate marker of amyloid beta in the brain of animal models of AD, and later AD patients.
Contact: sidiqiahm@gmail.com